Ariel Reichman (b. 1979 in Johannesburg, South Africa). Lives and works in Berlin.

Reichman’s works, realized across nearly all possible artistic media, are

based on the concepts of empathy and vulnerability; that is, they concern

everyone personally. The works are marked by his everyday experiences

and for that reason are also mercilessly honest and approachable.

Subjective memories, daily rituals and fantasies are the basis of his

artistic concerns. He is interested in the spiritual state of phenomena,

their possibilities of succeeding well or failing totally. For Reichman,

the intimate is also the political, and that concurrence can enable one

to try to understand politics and one’s own environment by means of

oneself, no matter whether it is fiction or truth, historical reality or fable.

Freud preferred the form of the silent word, that is, of the symptom,

which is the trace of a story. This would be a good description

of Reichman’s practice: he creates objects and artistic artifacts

that evoke feelings of confusion and conflicting emotions. Often

they cannot be resolved, and in that way they are analogous

to the contemporary conditio humana. He causes a trace to speak

and in the process urges forth an unarticulated truth that imprints

itself onto the surface of the works and thwarts rational composition.

Reichman creates an ambiguous and subtle play between private

and collective memory, apparent idyll, and subliminal brutality.

—by Bettina Steinbrügge


2021Becoming Gewish. Kunstverein Heilbronn. Germany

Becoming Gewish. Kunstverein Arnsberg. Germany

This Is Worse. PSM. Berlin. Germany

2020In limbo. Arnsberg Kunstverein. Germany

2019The last (last) night. PSM. Berlin. Germany

2017The space between here and there. Akershus Kunstsenter. Norway

2016The view outside my basement window. PSM. Berlin. Germany

2015Conservation. Sommer Gallery. S2. Tel Aviv. Israel

2015And night they sleep they do. CCA. Tel Aviv. Israel

2014Regarding the memory of others. Frieze NY. USA

Who distinguishes between light and dark. London. UK

1200 k”g of dirt. Petach Tikva Museum. Israel

2013I am sorry Felix, but we are just too scared to fly. PSM. Berlin. Germany

3 seconds inhale 7 seconds exhale. L-40. Berlin. Germany

2011And it is in the Space Between Here and There. PSM. Berlin. Germany

2010I have to be strong. Gallery Jones. Cologne. Germany

Legal settlement. Program. Berlin. Germany

2009How can I say something about them if you don’t know who I am. E.Bannwarth Gallery. Paris. France


2023Imagine a Museum (or: The remembering body). Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Israel

Who by fire. Haus am Lützowplatz. Berlin. Germany

Ich wehre mich und werde nicht müde. Museumsquartier Osnabrück. Germany

Fear and Love. Vaska Emanuilova city gallery. Plovdiv. Bulgaria

2022 Macht! Licht! Kunstmuseum Woflsburg. Germany

The Weight of Being. Week of Contemporary Art in Plovdiv. Bulgaria

2021 Mindboms. Kunsthalle Mannehim. Germany

Art Moves Mountains. Bad Gastein. Austria

An/Aus. Kwadrat Gallery. Berlin. Germany

2019This Is Not A Photo. Galerie Mitte. Bremen. Germany

Mostyn Open. Mostyn. Llandundo. Wales

2018In-visible Realness. Ps120. Berlin. Germany

2017Class Relations. Kunstverein In Hamburg. Germany

2016Current Affairs. Tel Aviv Museum Of Art. Israel

Regarding Africa. Tel Aviv Museum Of Art. Israel

2015False Flags. Pelican Bomb. New Orleans. USA

Welcome To The Jungle. KW. Berlin. Germany

The Museum Presents Itself 2. Tel Aviv Museum Of Contemporary Art. Israel

2013South South. Goodman Gallery. Capetown. South Africa

2012100 Years Readymade. Haifa Museum Of Art. Israel

City And Public Spaces. Museum Night. Plovdiv. Bulgaria

Positioning Osmotic Impulses. Savvy Contemporary. Berlin. Germany

Body Without Body. Georg Kolbe Museum. Berlin. Germany

Public Air. CCA Ujazdowski Castle. Warsaw. Poland

2011Metakom. Kunstverien Kreis Gueterlo. Germany

Metrospective. Program. Berlin. Germany

2010Codes/ Hiffren / Zeichen. Haus Am Kleistpark. Berlin. Germany

Manifesta 8. Region Of Murcia And Cartagena. Spain

Mediations Bienalle. Poznan. Poland

Endless Beginning. PSM Berlin. Germany

Freischuss. Kleine Humbolt Galerie. Berlin. Germany

2009Cliche. Museum Of Modern Art Moscow. Russia

Kunst Und Öffentlichkeit. NBK. Berlin. Germany

2007Altenburg Provinz In Europa. Lindenau Museum. Altenburg. Germany

f-stop International Photography Festival. Leipzig. Germany 


2023 Research grant. Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. Berlin. Germany

Stiftung Kunstfonds. Neustart Kultur plus-Stipendien für bildende Künstler*innen. Germany

Travel grant. Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. Berlin. Germany

Exhibition grant. Outset. Israel

2022 Stiftung Kunstfonds. Neustart Kultur-Stipendien für bildende Künstler*innen. Germany

2021 Projektförderung 1700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland. Bundeministerium des Innern/Beauftragte der

Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Die Landesregierung NRW, Stadt Köln. Germany

Research grant. Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. Berlin. Germany

Presentation grant. Asylum. NY. USA

2020 Exhibition grant. Artis. NY. USA

2. Platz. Nicht offener Wettbewerb. Gedenkort. Stadthaus Hamburg. Germany

Artist grant. Asylum. NY. USA

2018 Exhibition grant. Artis. NY. USA

Catalog grant. Mifal Hapais. Israel

2016 Exhibition grant. Artis. NY. USA

Residency Unlimited. NY. USA

2015 Air Residency. Ujazdowski Castle. Warsaw. Poland

2014 Exhibition grant. Artis. NY. USA

Culture now. ICA London. UK

2010 2. Platz. IBB Preis für Fotografie. Karl Hofer Gesellschaft. Berlin. Germany