This Is Worse.

Johanna Adam.
PSM Berlin.

To Be Precise Until It Hurts.

Hila Cohen-Schneiderman.
Petach Tikva Museum of Art.


Lydia Korndörfer.
Kunstverein Arnsberg.

How Many Times.

Bettina Steinbrügge
Kunstverein Im Hamburg.

At The Limits of the Name.

Raphael Zagury-Orly


Ariel Reichman.
Goodman Gallery, Cape Town.

On Randomness.

Drorit Gur Arie
1200 kg dirt.

In Conversation.

Yael Guilat.
Petach Tikva Museum of Art.

The World Vibrates.

Hito Steyerl.
IBB Prize.

The Space Between Here and There.

Distanz Verlag.

This is Worse.


Reichman mit einem n am ende.

Sammlung Haus N. Heft Nr. 60.

Ariel Reichman & Roni Horn.

Collectors choice.
Lucida Journal.

Exploding Objects.

Oda Bhar.

New York Version of Frieze Art

New York Times.